The DCA organizes in cooperation with the brbv this year again a training event according to GW 329. It will take place on 09th December 2021 as usual in the Schlosshotel Wilhelmshöhe in Kassel and is primarily aimed at supervisors who have an examination certificate in the training levels A and B. In addition, it also serves as a suitable training event for technical personnel, site managers and supervisors who are active in the field of horizontal directional drilling.
Technical Leader: Marc Schnau, Vice-President DCA
9.00 Opening and Welcome
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christoph Kreutz, rbv e.V., Köln
9.15 The new GW 302 and the HDD-Technique
Redesign of the DVGW Codes of Practice GW321/329 against the background of international and European standardization (ISO 11295 and ISO 21225-2)
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Hentrich, Hentrich Engeneering GmbH, Berlin und Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marc Schnau, x-plan schnau engineering, Aurich
10.30 Drilling in Switzerland
Peter Schwenk, Schenk AG Heldswil (Switzerland)
11.15 Digitization in HDD small scale drilling – latest trends and developments
Manuel Pohl, Tracto-Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Lennestadt
13.30 Culvert surveying with the gyrocompass
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stefan Winter und M. Sc. Sebastian Hoppe, IBZ Neubauer GmbH & Co. KG
14.15 Holland in distress
New techniques in the production of landfalling boreholes for the installation of cable protection pipes
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Winkler, LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg
15.15 Final discussion
Questions, suggestions and wishes
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