Recommendation – Education – Networking
Task Groups
Important topics concerning the HDD industry are dealt with in the association in task groups set up especially for this purpose. The members of the task groups are primarily from the European DCA member companies. Depending on the task, external people are also invited to the meetings.
Past topics have included:
- HDD and subsoil
- Bending radii in HDD
- Shaping Recommendation of Technical and Legal Contract Conditions
- Modal bill of quantities for HDD measures
- VOB – DIN 18324
- Safety on construction sites
- Tolerances for the execution of horizontal drilling works
- Disposal of drill cuttings and drilling fluid from horizontal drillings
- Pipe casing and coating in HDD
The results of the above-mentioned work have primarily been incorporated into the “DCA Technical Guidelines – Information and Recommendations for the Planning, Construction and Documentation of HDD Projects” – 5th edition 2024.
Since 2019, the DCA has also published the results of the task groups in German and English under the series “DCA Technical Information”. These are available to external parties via an order form. For members, the receipt of the Technical Information is included in the membership fee.
The task groups established by resolution of the members’ meeting rely primarily on the cooperation and expertise of DCA member companies.
Are you interested in joining a task group?
Current task groups
! Status: completed Note: The following descriptions in the task group refer to the national German legal area. The task group has not yet worked on international transferability, but this is planned.
In its decree of 14 July 2015 (supplemented on 29 August 2016) the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection (NMU) expressly clarified with regard to the topic of “disposal of drill cuttings and drilling fluid from horizontal boreholes” that drill cuttings and drilling mud are wastes subject to the „Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz“.
Other federal states, such as Baden-Württemberg, have meanwhile followed this interpretation. Drill cuttings and drilling mud are hence to be recovered and disposed properly and safely as mineral waste. According to the current legal interpretation, the recycling of drill cuttings and drilling mud from horizontal directional drillings on agricultural land, on agricultural land,as is done in many places and projects, is only possible under certain conditions (the decree from Baden-Württemberg even categorically excludes this).
It should be noted that the Lower-Saxon decree does not produce any new legislation, but repeats and clarifies legislation already in force.
Based on this background, the DCA installed the “Task Group 1: Recovery and disposal of drilling cuttings and fluids from HDD operations” in spring 2016 in order to channel the problems arising for the industry as a result of the decree with regard to the disposal of cuttings and drilling fluid and to develop corresponding recommendations for action or a generally applicable guideline/minimum standard.
In the situation report, the basic facts on waste legislation that need to be observed were outlined. It includes comments on the responsibilities of the project partners, information on sampling and transportation, indications on possible and legally compliant recovery and disposal routes as well as recommendations on organisational and contractual waste treatment provisions both contractors and clients.
The situation report was subsequently published as Technical Information No. 4 ” Recovery and disposal of drilling cuttings and fluids from HDD operations”.
The Board would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the task group who contributed to the preparation of the technical information.
Interested in the final report?
The final report of Task Group 1 was published in November 2019 as DCA Technical Information No. 4. The publication is free of charge for members. External interested parties can order the information for a fee.
! Status: completed Note: The following descriptions in the task group refer to the national German legal area. The task group has not yet worked on international transferability, but this is planned.
The “Coating quality” task group initially aimed to analyse the current situation with regard to the coating materials, test methods and relevant regulations used in connection with HDD technology. In addition, measures/recommendations for action were to be developed which, on the one hand, ensure the quality of the coatings in the interests of the client and, on the other hand, help HDD companies to identify and point out sources of error and risks before taking over the pipe string (often provided by the client or third parties).
The present Technical Information No. 6 “Pipe casing and coating in HDD” from the DCA summarises the results of the task group and provides information on all parameters, processes and interactions that have an influence on the coating quality. In addition, the Technical Information helps in selecting the most suitable coating system for specific drilling and soil conditions.
All information and recommendations in this document apply to standard HDD drilling but can be similarly applied to related trenchless applications such as pipe jacking, direct pipe, HDD installation of pipes in micro-tunnels and protective pipes, etc. if their individual characteristics are considered.
The information in Technical Information No. 6 supplements the information in DVGW Code of Practice GW 340 “FZM coating for the mechanical protection of steel pipes and fittings with polyolefin coating” and the specifications in DIN 30340-1 “Coatings for the mechanical protection of steel pipes and fittings with corrosion protection coating – Quality assurance of factory coatings” and DIN 30340-2 “Coatings for the mechanical protection of steel pipes and fittings with corrosion protection coating – Repair and re-coating on site”.
The board of the association would like to thank all those involved in the working group who partici-pated in the creation of Technical Information No. 6 “Pipe casing and coating in HDD” of the DCA.
Interested in the final report?
The final report of task Group 2 was published as DCA Technical Information No. 6 in March 2023. The publication is free of charge for members and is now available for download in the members area. External interested parties can order the information for a fee. External interested parties can order the information for a fee.
The 5th edition of the DCA Technical Guidelines entitled “Information and recommendations for the planning, construction and documentation of HDD projects” has been completed in German.
The Board of the Association would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the production of this 5th edition.
Work on the English version is already well advanced. It can be assumed that this will be available for the General Assembly at the beginning of February 2025.
Personalized digital versions and the book form can be ordered using the following forms. The cost for non-members for the digital version is €60, for the book version €95 plus shipping costs (please send orders to
Order Form Technical Guidelines 5th Edition 2024 German for Members
Order Form Technical Guidelines 5th Edition 2024 German for Non-Members
From January 2025, it is planned to order the guideline via a store system on this homepage. We will announce the launch of the store system in good time.
We would like to point out already now that delays in the dispatch of the guidelines must be expected.
Further information is available in the members area.
The DCA Board has decided to relaunch task group 4 “Digitalisation” under the title “Data Acquisition & Logging”. The focus of the work is on creating more clarity about which drilling data should be recorded and how, including specifications on frequency and parameters.
Technical management
Florian Gies, TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG
Aim of the TG will be to come to an agreed set of data that provides the information relevant to the drilling process, to all parties involved, in a structured overview. The members of the previous working group will be contacted shortly to agree on how to proceed.
Members of the task group:
- Jörg Himmerich, Dr.-Ing. Veenker Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
- Simon Herrenknecht, Herrenknecht AG
- Jordi Camps Querol, Catalana de Perforacions
- Scott Stone, Michels Trenchless GmbH
- Norbert Landesberger, Sachverständigenbüro Landesberger
- Brian Jorgensen, Ditch Witch-EMEA
- Renzo Chirulli, Vermeer
- Ian Acheilas, Visser & Smit Hanab
- Simon Kench, Prime Horizontal
- Raymond Petiet, Vermeer
Information on the current status of the task group can be found in the members’ area.
Are you interested in joining the task group?
At the beginning of 2022, initial talks took place between the DCA and the German Society for Trenchless Technology e.V. (GSTT) on the establishment of a joint task group “Subsoil”. The aim of the working group is to develop a “guidebook for the use of trenchless construction methods in different foundation soils”. The very special and complex topic in the HDD area has already been discussed several times in the past by the DCA in its Technical Guidelines, in workshops or e.g. in the course of the Members’ Forum and is now to be discussed in greater depth once again in cooperation with the GSTT.
Technical management
Dipl. -Ing.(FH) Philipp Dick, MOLL-prd GmbH & Co. KG
The focus should be on the following points:
- Description and classification of the subsoil into soil and rock classes for trenchless methods or determination of classification criteria for homogeneous areas.
- Allocation of all trenchless construction methods (new installation and renewal) to the different soil and rock classes
- Orientation and linkage with national and international regulations / standards
- Subsoil investigation and subsoil expertise: What are the options?
- Creation of a generally valid simplified possibility of a subsoil opinion with reduced effort compared to a complete expert opinion (definition of boundary conditions, application limits, …)
- Creation of the guidebook also as an online / APP feature (selection option for client and planner)
It is planned to provide the “Guidebook” also as an online/APP feature (selection option for clients and planners). It is to be published initially in German and later in English.
Members of the task group:
- Günter Kruse, ehemals LMR Drilling GmbH
- Christoph Donié, Dr. Donié Geo-Consult GmbH
- Sebastian Schwarzer, Perforator
- Dan Lingenauber, TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG
- Frederik Müller, Ingsoft
- Jonas Schmidt, Open Grid Europe GmbH
Information on the current status of the working group can be found in the members’ area.
Are you interested in joining the task group?
During the panel discussion at the annual congress in Leipzig last October, the topic of “skills shortage” in the HDD industry was discussed in detail and how the DCA as a trade association can provide support here. One approach to this is an image film for HDD technology. This has already been completed and is available to all member companies to get young people interested in the technology.