The Members’ Meeting of the DCA will take place as planned on Wednesday 29th March 2023 at 3.00 p.m. at the Patentkrug hotel in Oldenburg. An official invitation and agenda for the event will be sent to members in good time. As last year, simultaneous translation (Germ/Eng) will be provided at the event. In addition, the meeting will be held as a hybrid event.
In the course of the Members’ Meeting of the DCA, elections for all board positions will take place this year. In addition, the five DCA representatives from Italy, Spain, France, the UK and Scandinavia will report on the latest developments in the HDD industry in Europe. Furthermore, the results of the 2022 sponsorship programme will be presented.
Johannes Rotter, student at the Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg, Elsfleth will give a presentation on the topic of his bachelor thesis “Noise emissions on HDD construction sites”, investigations into the reduction of noise emissions on HDD construction sites.
At this point it is pointed out that the DCA has again launched a sponsorship programme in 2023 for graduates at European universities who are working on HDD technology. Companies that have interesting projects or questions that could be dealt with within the framework of the sponsorship programme are called upon to contact the DCA (programme coordinator: Jörg Himmerich, DCA board).
Venue Patentkrug Hotel:
Wilhelmshavener Heerstraße 359
26125 Oldenburg