The Technical Information No. 6 ” Rohrumhüllung und -ummantelung im HDD” of the DCA bundles the results of the working group and provides information on all parameters, processes, and interactions that have an influence on coating quality. In addition, the Technical Information helps in selecting the most suitable coating system for specific drilling and soil conditions.
All information and recommendations in this document apply to standard HDD drilling but can be similarly applied to related trenchless applications such as pipe jacking, direct pipe, HDD installation of pipes in micro-tunnels and protective pipes, etc. if their individual characteristics are considered.
The explanations in the present Technical Information No. 6 complement the information in the DVGW worksheet GW 340 or the information in DIN 30340-1 and DIN 30340-2.
The board of the association would like to thank all those involved in the working group who partici-pated in the creation of Technical Information No. 6 “Pipe casing and coating in HDD” of the DCA.
For members, the publication is available for download in the members area. Non-members can find more information about the ordering process under Technical Information.