Recommendation – Education – Networking
Oldenburg Pipe Forum
The “Institut für Rohrleitungsbau an der Fachhochschule Oldenburg e. V. (IRO)” was founded in 1988 and is run as a non-profit association with currently over 250 members from the fields of research, industry, Authorities and Professional Associations. The IRO sees itself as an interface between teaching and practice, with its main focus on the further training of engineers in the entire piping sector, practice-oriented research and development and the promotion of students.
There is close cooperation with the Zentrum für Weiterbildung der Jade Hochschule, Fachhochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth („ZfW“) as well as with the cooperations with numerous other associations and federations such as the DCA, which has supported the work of the IRO for more than 20 years.
Every year, the IRO organises the Oldenburg Pipe Forum as an advanced training event at which speakers give lectures in numerous lecture blocks on interesting current topics relating to the pipeline construction industry. In lecture block 2 “Trenchless installation techniques”, the DCA reports in six lectures on current interesting projects around the HDD industry.
Likewise, the Oldenburg Pipe Forum with its exhibition area is a popular industry get-together that has established itself as a fixed event in the annual calendar of many companies. The DCA is represented at the event with its ever-popular “Drilling Saloon”. There, the HDD industry and interested parties from the sector get together to exchange ideas with delicious snacks and cold beer. In addition, the DCA’s annual raffle in the saloon attract attention.
The 36th Oldenburg Pipe Forum took place from February 8-9, 2024 under the motto ” Wasser, Abwasser, Strom, Gase – mit künstlicher Intelligenz in die Zukunft” in Oldenburg in the Weser-Ems-Hallen. The use of artificial intelligence continues to advance and is also very present in the piping sector. Around 460 exhibitors presented their latest innovations to a very interested audience in the exhibition halls.
Many visitors found their way not only to the trade fair, but also to the specialist lectures, which consisted of six DCA specialist lectures in the field of trenchless laying techniques, divided into two blocks.
Block 1, which was chaired by DCA President Jorn Stoelinga, kicked off with Michael Tusch from MOLL-prd, who explained the ” Planung und Ausführung geschlossener Querungen in nicht tragfähigen Böden “. Stefan Wittke from TDC International AG then dealt with the topic ” TDC pau wrap ermöglicht den effizienten und sicheren grabenlosen Einzug von Fernwärmeleitungen “, before the lecture ” Moselquerung bei Trier” was held. Boris Peirick was replaced by Guido Klein Hitpaß from Epping Rohrvortrieb GmbH & Co. KG due to illness
Block 2, chaired by board member Ronald Siebel from Tennet TSO GmbH, began with a presentation on ” HDD-Baustellen: Emission/Immission – Messung/Berechnung” by Vincent Wollinger and Klaus Goldemund of the Obermeyer Group.
Then Henning Kuchenbuch from Amprion gave a presentation on ” Horizontalbohrungen im Nationalpark Wattenmeer: Herausforderungen und Auswirkungen auf das empfindliche Ökosystem “. The block was concluded by Marine Gousset from HDI, who presented “HDD crossings for Green Gas supply in Denmark”.
As every year the DCA was also represented on the exhibition grounds with its ever-popular Drilling Saloon. In addition to delicious cool drinks and small snacks, the trade visitors were able to try their hand at the competition. A project plan was used to estimate how high the pulling force on the last drill rod (in KN) was. Many visitors gave it their best shot. The prize, a Makita construction site radio, went to Guichard Nicolas from Westnetz GmbH.
See you at the next IRO 2025!
The 35th Oldenburg Pipe Forum, Germany’s largest training event for the pipeline construction industry, was held in Oldenburg at the Weser-Ems-Hallen from March 30 to 31 under the motto “Pipelines and Cables – Critical Infrastructure and Security of Supply” and was, as always, well attended. After two years in which the event had to be cancelled due to the corona pandemic, many people interested in the industry found their way to the exhibition and the technical presentations. The significantly expanded range of lectures included many exciting presentations. In addition to climate-related topics, one of the main topics was the move away from Russian natural gas and its consequences.
In the course of the now six lecture series set up by the IRO, the DCA was again present with six interesting lectures in the lecture blocks I and II, which were very well received. Also in the exhibitor area of the fair, where more than 400 international exhibitors could be found, the obligatory Drilling Saloon of the DCA could not be missing this year.
Unfortunately, the Oldenburg Pipeline Forum had to be cancelled in 2022 due to corona.
In the past, the Oldenburg Pipe Forum was held at the Jadehochschule in Oldenburg, which provided a special personal flair among the exhibitors with its narrow corridors. Unfortunately, due to Corona, the event had to be cancelled for 2021.
The 34th Oldenburg Pipe Forum “Pipes and Cables – Pipes for a Modern Infrastructure” took place on 13th and 14th February 2020.
About3500 visitors came to the Oldenburg Piping Forum, the largest further training event in the pipeline construction industry in Germany, which took place for the 34th time this year. This year, the motto of the major event was “Pipes and cables – Pipes for a modern infrastructure”. The constantly growing importance of cable construction due to climate change, which is reflected in the expansion of power lines in Germany, was placed in relation to pipeline construction. Similarities as well as differences between the two fields were to be worked out and discussed on the basis of many presentations. The focus was also on lectures on hydrogen and other topics relevant to pipeline construction.
In the course of the five series of lectures at the Jade University of Applied Sciences set up by the Oldenburg Pipe Forum, the DCA was traditionally present with six interesting lectures in lecture blocks I and II, which were well received by the audience. In the exhibitor area of the fair, in which more than 400 international exhibitors were to be found, the obligatory booth of the DCA in western style could not be missing this year.
In the field of trenchless construction the DCA delivered six interesting lectures in two lecture blocks, the trenchless techniques I and II, which were again well attended.
The prelude was a lecture by Mr. Stefan Wittke from TDC International AG in Lucerne on the topic “Anforderungen an die zusätzliche GFK-Rohrbeschichtung und GFK-Schweißnahtbeschichtung bei der grabenlosen Verlegung von PE-ummantelten Stahlleitungen”. This additional coating of the highly demanded pipe sheathing represents a system solution in which various test procedures ensure an optimum product quality that provides a high level of protection against pipe damage during pipe jacking.
This was followed by a presentation on “HDD-Bohrungen für die 56-Zoll-Gaspipeline EUGAL – eine besondere Dimension” by Dipl.-Ing. Mohammad Alikab and Julian Hirsch, B.Sc., Bohlen & Doyen Bau GmbH. Wiesmoor. This project was used to demonstrate that horizontal flush drilling methods are suitable for cross-cutting larger product pipes of various media.
The first block of lectures was concluded by the presentation of Simon Herrenknecht, B. Eng., Herrenknecht AG, Schwanau-Allmannsweiler, and Dipl.-Ing. Timo Mücke, Beermann Bohrtechnik GmbH, Hörstel, under the title “Horizontalbohrtechnik im Einsatz: Anlandung von Kabelleerrohren auf Norderney für das Offshore-Netzanbindungssystem DolWin6″. The project was used to explain that trenchless technologies play a major role in the field of energy supply. The reliability of the material and the protection of the environment are important in this context.
The second block of lectures on trenchless installation techniques was opened by Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Winkler, LMR Drilling GmbH, on the topic „Holland in Not – schwierige Kabelschutzrohr-Anlandungen an der niederländischen Küste”. Problems with the occurrence of sinkholes influenced the success of the HDD drilling. He points out that especially when drilling in unstable ground and exit points at great water depths, the hydrological conditions are of great importance. In this context, he recommends early set-up and observation measuring points. The leakage of mud from the sea can be significantly reduced when drilling such blind holes in combination with pushing expansion. The risks involved in offshore work are also reduced by prefabricating onshore and then pushing in flexible HDPE pipes.
The next lecture on “Horizontal directional drilling with forward pipeline installation” was presented by Dr. Henk Kruse, Deltares, Delft, and Ir. Jorn Stoelinga, LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg. The aim was to minimise the costs of pipe feeding by a detailed analysis of this process. The correct model for the behaviour of the pipe should always be used, because the behaviour of the pipe is different with a thruster than with a normal pull back process. By adding the contingency factor of total friction, the risks of damage or inadequate equipment during pipe pulling are minimized.
The series of lectures was concluded by Dr. Gregor Silvers, Max Wild GmbH, Bergheim, with his lecture “Disposal concept drilling sludge disposal – a practical example from Bavaria”. LEW Verteilnetz GmbH, as a power grid operator, has been looking for solutions to the problem of drilling mud produced by horizontal drilling for years. A legally compliant drilling and disposal concept will be presented, which enables economical HDD drilling.
The presentations for many interested people were rounded off with a visit to the exhibition area of the fair, where the traditional Drilling Saloon of the DCA attracts a lot of attention every year. The western atmosphere was well received by many visitors, who exchanged technical information over coffee and pastries as well as delicious cold beer and reviewed the lectures. Also this year’s raffle of the DCA with the question about the total pulling power of all regular members of the association (HDD drilling companies) attracted a lot of attention and many tickets were put into the glass jar. The 1st prize finally went to Jörg Himmerich from the company Dr.-Ing. Veenker Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, who was pleased to receive an “Alexa” for his home. Finally, the DCA would like to thank all participating speakers for their informative presentations and is looking forward to hopefully great willingness in the ranks of the members to submit interesting lecture offers or suggestions for the next Oldenburg Pipe Forum.
The 33rd Oldenburg Pipe Forum “Pipelines – Transport medium for drinking water and waste water” took place on 14th and 15th February 2019.
About 3500 visitors attended the IRO in Oldenburg, Germany’s largest advanced training event for the pipeline construction industry, which took place this year for the 33rd time. This year the motto of the event was “Pipelines – Transport medium for drinking water and waste water”. The focus was on the extreme weather conditions created by climate change and their effects as well as the associated solutions for urban development and the development of water-sensitive cities.
In the course of the five series of lectures at the Jade University of Applied Sciences set up by the Oldenburg Pipe Forum, the DCA was traditionally present with six interesting lectures in lecture blocks I and II, which were well received by the audience. In the exhibitor area of the fair, in which more than 400 international exhibitors were to be found, the obligatory booth of the DCA in western style could not be missing this year.
In lecture block I, moderated by DCA board member Marc Schnau, a program change had to take place at very short notice, as one of the originally planned speakers had to cancel due to health reasons. Special thanks go to Mr. Kracht and his employer HDI, who were able to fill the gap with the lecture “Crossing with Care – Major HDD Crossings on the TAP Project”. In his presentation, Mr. Kracht briefly presented the overall project of an almost 900 km long 48″ gas pipeline from the Turkish-Greek border to the Albanian Adriatic coast with 13 HDD crossings (and 29 individual boreholes) and then gave a more focused presentation on the construction of the approx. 1,800 m long crossing of the Axios river.
In the second lecture, Raino Porvari and Jouni Jokela from Geonex Oy, Finland, presented a special hammer drilling methodwhich has been successfully used in Scandinavia for more than 20 years, but is not yet very widespread in the rest of Europe. However, several projects in Switzerland have recently been successfully implemented using this process.
Thomas Winkler of LMR Drilling GmbH concluded the first DCA lecture block with the presentation of two HDD projects in the course of laying new drinking water pipelines. The drillings with the dimensions approx. 1,700 m DN 400 and approx. 1,100 m DN 700 were, as Mr. Winkler reported, to be carried out in demanding geological conditions. Additional soil investigations were carried out to optimise the drilling programme and protective piping was also required in the area of gravelly formations in the inlet and outlet areas.
The second block was hosted by the newly elected president of the DCA, Mr Jorn Stoelinga.
In the first presentation Mr Ronald Siebel of TenneT Offshore gave an interestinglook inside the issues involved in drilling in an area that is under protection of the most stringent environmental laws. He described the challenges TenneT is facing in the construction of the connections of the various windparks being built off shore, North of the German Wadden islands. Although the area is under highest protection and access is basically not allowed, Mr Siebel explained how special measures were implemented when drilling the landfalls to and from the island of Norderney. Special conditions apply to the drilling works regarding noise, dust, run off of fluids and the time frame in which the drills can be executed. These very sensitive drills can only be undertaken in very close cooperation between the (environmental) authorities, the HDD Contractor and TenneT.
In the second presentation Mr Ruben Rothuizen took the audience to Bergen in Norway, where Visser & Smit Hanab B.V. from the Netherlands has drilled an 800 m long 48” hole ending at 305 m below sea level. Due to this depth, it was impossible to access the exit point and all works had to be undertaken from on shore. Mr Rothuizen explained how the difficulties were overcome when forward reaming to the final diameter in three steps. A special mini ROV was developed in the project and was run into the hole on drill pipe enabling the contractor to pick up parts of the tools and rock that were left in the hole, before installation of the pipe later on by the off shore pipe laying contractor.
In the final presentation, Dr. Bayer of Tracto-Technik introduced the audience to an international system of quantifying environmental effects in a monetary equivalent. Taking this into consideration when comparing HDD or other trenchless technologies with traditional open cut methods would in many cases lead to a clear decision in favour of HDD, where now open cut is selected. Dr Bayer used a specific project where this comparison was made showing a cost difference of more than € 38,500 in favour of HDD. In addition Dr Bayer showed five more job sites in Austria, Switzerland and Germany where HDD was selected, mainly because of the limited environmental effects compared to traditional methods.
After the two interesting lecture series of the DCA in the well-known lecture room of the IRO, the audience dropped by in the exhibition area of the fair, where the traditional Drilling Saloon of the DCA was perceived as every year as a pleasure. While snacks and drinks provided for the physical well-being, numerous conversations were held and professional exchanges took place. This year’s lottery with the question of the exact weight of a chisel roll attracted many interested people who tried their hand at estimating. The 1st prize finally went to Franz-Josef Kissing from Open Grid Europe. Congratulations and to a new one in 2020!
The 32nd Oldenburg Pipe Forum ”Pipelines – innovative techniques of construction and rehabilitation” took place on 8th and 9th February 2018.
The DCA was again represented at the Oldenburg Pipe Forum IRO at this year’s beginning of February with six interesting lectures and an information stand. The association could welcome an interested audience at this event that took place for the 32nd time and had the motto ”Pipelines – innovative techniques of construction and rehabilitation”.
The lecture block 1 was led by the president of the DCA, Marc Schnau, and starts with the lecture by Philipp Dick, MOLL-prd GmbH & Co. KG, Schmallenberg, on the question “What depth position is required for the HDD?”. Afterwards, David Nugroho from Deltares, Delft, Netherlands, gave a lecture on “Geotechnical investigations for ultralong HDD”. The first block was concluded by Thomas Winkler, LMR Drilling GmbH, Oldenburg, on the project “The Marsdiep crossing”.
Lecture block 2 was moderated by DCA board member Ernst Fengler LMR Drilling, responsible for training and further education in the association. The first lecture was given by Edgar Mrotzek, Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, on the topic “DB Guidelines – Requirements and Quality Requirements for the HDD Process, Field Reports”. This was followed by a lecture by Timo Mücke, Beermann Bohrtechnik, on the subject of “Electricity must be generated on land – onshore drilling at the Baltic Sea coast of Lubmin”. The second block was concluded by Michael Bijok, EWE Netz GmbH, Oldenburg, on the subject of “Experiences with the use of the “easy2jet” flushing lance system in FTTH broadband expansion”.
After DCA’s course of informative lectures, the audience gathered at the traditional Drilling Saloon as usual. In numerous discussions they exchanged experiences and enjoyed some drinks. This year’s estimation question at the DCA stand was to guess the endurance of a rotary bit. Sascha Weis, a student at Fachhochschule Oldenburg, came closest to the correct result and could gladly take the coveted prize, a Bluetooth loudspeaker. Let’s try again in 2019!
The 31st Oldenburg Pipe Forum “Pipelines in digital working worlds” took place on 9th and 10th February 2017.
The event of the Oldenburg Pipe Forum presented itself to its visitors for the 31st time by now this year. The motto of this year’s forum was “Pipelines in digital working worlds” and was reflected in numerous lectures in the familiar ambience in Oldenburg from February 09 – 10th 2017.
Like every year, the DCA had organised two blocks of lectures. Block 1, presented by DCA’s president Hermann Lübbers, came up with three interesting lectures. First Mr. Jorn Stoelinga of Visser & Smit Hanab b.v. in Papendrecht, the Netherlands reported about the project “Nothing is more persistent than change – landing drilling on Cyprus”. It was followed by the lecture of Dr. Michael Neupert of Kümmerlein, Simon & Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB, Essen (lawyers) about the really topical issue “The handling of used drilling mud”.. Finally, Mr. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marc Schnau, Bohlen & Doyen GmbH, Wiesmoor, provided information on the subject of “Horizontal Casing Drilling (HCD) – Modification of the HDD process for driving steel casing.”.
The ensuing Block 2 was presented by DCA’s board member Franz-Josef Kissing of Open Grid Europe GmbH in Essen and also had three lectures. Dr.-Ing. Tim Jaguttis, de la Motte & Partner GmbH, Reinbek, spoke about the project, “Limits of Horizontal Drilling Technology HDD – The Engineer as Mediator between Desire and Feasible”. followed by a presentation on “Responsibilities of HDD drilling contractors towards third parties in the course of carrying out an HDD construction project” By DCA board member Marco Reinhard, Leonhard Weiss GmbH & Co. KG, Leonberg. Concluding Dr. Thomas Löffler of DENSO GmbH in Leverkusen furnished information about “High Performance Coatings for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)“. Like in the past years the lectures attracted many listeners and generally met with great approval.
At the instigation of the DCA, a panel discussion about the topical issue “What to do with bentonite suspensions?”, hosted by DCA’s president Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marc Schnau of Bohlen & Doyen in Wiesmoor, took place on Thursday afternoon and was very well attended. Members of the panel were for example MR (undersecretary) Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Ulrich Bertram of the Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz in Hannover (Lower-Saxon Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection), Dipl.-Ing. Michael Bijok of EWE NETZ GmbH in Oldenburg, Dipl.-Geol. Björn de la Motte of de la Motte & Partner GmbH in Reinbek, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Edgar Mrotzek of Bohlen & Doyen GmbH in Wiesmoor and Hans-Dieter Schulte of Westnetz GmbH in Dortmund (quod vide separate report).
Both traditional and popular, the Drilling Saloon of the DCA experienced bustling activities again. Many visitors enjoyed a beer and delicious snacks during their professional talks. The casual atmosphere helped a lot to start conversations.