Getting young people excited about HDD technology – HDD Image Film
The 28th DCA Annual Congress, which took place last week in Barcelona, was virtually fully booked, just like last year in Leipzig. With over 230 participants from a total of 12 countries, the DCA continues to consolidate its central position in the HDD industry in Europe. It should also be mentioned that the positive development is not only due to the activities of the board and representatives

Also other interest groups have formed around the DCA, which want to support the aims of the DCA. These include first and foremost the ‘Women Empowering HDD’ group, which was founded at the end of last year. After a highly interesting introductory lecture by Kim Jansen, generation expert and social psychologist from the Netherlands, who opened the congress with a lecture on the topic of ‘Generations @ work’, the DCA offered, as always, very interesting lectures and a varied spouse programme on both days, which met with great approval from the participants.

The centrepiece of this year’s event was once again a panel discussion, this time on the topic of ‘How to attract and keep people in the industry?’. The panel discussion was moderated by journalist Dr Antje Wöhnke and President Jorn Stoelinga. In addition to the guest speaker, representatives of Generation Z from three DCA member companies took part in the panel discussion. The outcome of the three-hour discussion in the packed congress room was that each generation has its own specific working methods, requirements and goals and that the work ahead can only be mastered by all generations working together on a daily basis, whether men or women.

This was also evident in the new HDD-Image film presented in the run-up to the panel discussion, which was presented to the public at the congress and is intended to promote cooperation in the HDD industry (more on this later).
At the evening event on the terrace of the Hotel Miramar, with a fantastic view of the Mediterranean, the celebrations continued late into the night with music and dancing. The icing on the cake was certainly the DCA logo projected onto the outside wall of the hotel, which was visible from afar.
Friday continued with various HDD project presentations from all over the world, including Germany and Brazil.
The congress documents and presentations as well as further information on the event will soon be available for viewing and downloading in the members’ area.
See you at the 29th edition of the DCA Annual Congress on 8-10 October 2025 in Bamberg, Germany. Please save the date!