DCA Europe

Members’ Meeting 2024

Members’ Meeting 2024

Drilling Contractors Association (DCA)

On this website you will find all the important documents for the 2024 Members’ Meeting.


Wednesday, 07.02.2024, 03.00 to 06.00 pm.


Hotel Patentkrug Oldenburg

Wilhelmshavener Heerstraße 359, 26125 Oldenburg

As part of the preliminary planning for the annual congress in 2023, the board discussed the topic of the “shortage of skilled workers in the HDD sector” and what options the DCA has in this context. One key aspect of this is to make HDD technology more attractive to young people, especially women.

In this context a group of women from the industry has been formed, which will focus intensively on this topic in the near future. As part of the agenda item, the group will present its objectives and solicit support from the membership. At this point it should be mentioned that the board fully supports this initiative, which is so important for the industry and the many tasks ahead, and is grateful that this group has come together so promptly.

To the survey English

To the survey German

During the panel discussion in Leipzig many aspects of the HDD industry were highlighted in the current tense situation. Starting with the problem of lengthy authorisation procedures and general aspects of implementation through to technical aspects, in particular the upcoming challenges in the course of laying the power lines. Ultimately the topic of “personnel and equipment” in Block 3 made it clear that the construction industry, and the HDD industry in particular, does not have a shortage of labour, but first and foremost a very poor image. Too few young people from today’s Z generation are opting for the HDD industry, whether due to the challenging working conditions or simply because they are unaware of this innovative technology and its relevance to the energy transition.

The board believes that a first approach to counteract this is the creation of a professional image film for HDD technology. At the meeting of the DCA representatives at the board meeting at the beginning of November, Brian Jorgensen from Ditch Witch presented an initial concept for the creation of this film, which was approved in principle by the DCA board. This concept will be presented as part of this agenda item.

! Save the date !

30 years DCA on 20.06.2024

In addition to many upcoming “tasks and goals” for 2024, the board is also endeavouring to further promote cohesion within the DCA family. The association’s upcoming 30th birthday next year will be used to further promote communication among members and, in particular, to give the many new members the opportunity to make contacts within the association.